Sunday, 1 January 2012

Hola San Jose!

Seeing the lights of San Jose in the distance from our airplane last night was a very welcome sight.  And seeing all of our luggage (and there was lots of it!) arrive at the San Jose airport was even better.  After getting up at 3:30am yesterday, and surviving 3 flights, we were happy to settle into our taxi to head over to our hotel late last night.  We chuckled at ourselves for lugging around a booster seat for Caleb all day, only to ride in a taxi with no seatbelts and a driver who was very eager to get to our destination and get paid! 

Caleb's first comment at the airport was "are those huge palm trees really real?!"  Oh yah! 

Our hotel is in an interesting, historical area of San Jose, so we headed out for a walk this morning after breakfast (which, not surprisingly, was more diverse than usual and included black beans and rice).  After a completely sedentary day yesterday, the kids were thrilled to run around.  Caleb bolted down the sloped sidewalk, stopping just before the street corner.....inches before a large waist-deep hole in the concrete for collecting rainwater!  We walked around and found the local zoo, which we will visit tomorrow, and the kids enjoyed a long swim in the hotel pool, which nobody else seems to have discovered.  Things are very quiet here, with it being New Year's day.  

On Jan.3 we are getting a ride over the San Gerardo de Dota, where we will be staying for most of the next 4 months. I will post some photos once we are settled in our cabina.


  1. So thankful that you made it there safely AND with all your luggage (totally amazing these days!). We love reading your updates, please keep 'em coming!!

  2. Well, I now have a Gmail email account - all for your sake. Heidi guided me through. Hope you arrived at your cabina safely. Thanks for your email reply. We look forward to reading about your experiences on your blog. It's a good idea. Mom & Dad
